The processmind is a concept and a subtle force-field body intelligence experience that moves us in a way that mirrors the movements of our dreams. The Processmind concept mirrors Einstein’s “Mind of God” – the intelligence behind our universe. This intelligent field has aspects of omniscience, omnipresence and power found in many “God” and peak experiences.
The Processmind has been projected upon the unified field theories in physics, the “god” experiences of spiritual and religious traditions, the Buddha Mind of Buddhism, as well as upon the powers of the earth Aboriginal people have felt were the totem spirits that watched over them. Einstein might call, the processmind, the “mind of God”, the sense behind the laws of the universe. More overtly spiritual people would speak of this mind in terms of a deity.
Arny’s book ProcessMind: A User’s Guide to the The Mind of God shows how the processmind appears in near death experiences, connects to quantum physics and synchronicity in psychology, to mystical and spiritual traditions and also to Aboriginal mythology. It proposes a possible unifying field theory pulling physics, psychology, organizational and large group processes together. Using realizable exercises, this book helps facilitators work with inner problems, body sensations, relationship issues, and large group processes.
Moscow, photo by Liubov Sazonovo
Download following Excerpt from ProcessMind thanks to the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Quest Publisher.
Read Arny’s description of ProcessMind in the Watkins Review.
See this German translation of ProcessMind, Chapter 10, thanks to Kim Barkmann, die Wiese Frau. This translation was done with the hope of being helpful and finding a potential meaning in catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina and devastating earthquakes such as the one in Japan, March 2011.
The second training: using the Processmind in ecology and social action
Why are gifted professional facilitators often not able to use their methods when dealing with their own very personal issues?
We are exploring “second trainings” for innerwork, relationships, large group and ecological processes.
In “first trainings,” we learn methods to bring people together, who have usually agreed to follow given peacemaking procedures. Worldwork has been devoted to these situations, (as well as to situations where people are not ready to speak peacefully with one another, or may not even want to come together).
Now we are exploring a mastery level “second” facilitation training that works not only with groups, but also with difficult personal, relationship, family and environmental scenes as well. Second trainings apply deep inner experience to resolve troubled personal and outer situations.
The second training is related to Taoism’s wu-wei, which means ‘not doing’ and it is crucial to symptom work and large group facilitation! Everyone understands “doing”. Take control +do things! But “doing” can burn you out. Not-doing, is something only your Taoist sage, your dreaming-body, or contemplative mind knows how to “do”. It’s a practice. But can it be taught?
Processwork practice for both of us has involved large scale tense conflict around the world, helping with severe illness, as well as everyday troubles. These human realities inspire our research, classes and our “2nd Training” seminars. What innerwork, what kind of spirituality if any–actually helps deal with complex inner and world problems!? Those with second training experience using the Processmind seem at least at this point to be best at all this.
Free Will?
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Germany found that we know what we will do, many seconds before we actually realize our decisions. See the article, Brain may prepare decisions in advance (April, 2008). This research supports the idea that our “Processminds” have valuable early awareness we need more access to. Through such access, we can know things at the essence level, before our everyday primary process is aware of what happens! Perhaps this could help us avoid accidents!
Other research suggests that so called “free will” is not as “free” as we think. Thanks to Dr. Fi Knox for pointing out this research from neurophysiologist, Benjamin Libet. In his article, “Do we have free will?”, Libet states,
The volitional process is …initiated unconsciously. But the conscious function could still control the outcome. It can veto the act. Free will is therefore not excluded. These findings put constraints on views of how free will may operate; it would not initiate a voluntary act, but it could control performance of the act. (Benjamin Libet, Anthony Freeman, Keith Sutherland (eds). THE VOLITIONAL BRAIN: Towards a neuroscience of free will. Exeter: Imprint Academic, 1999: p47-57.)
What others call the “conscious mind,” or what we call our “primary process” is, as we have said already in the book, River’s Way, not entirely at our disposal. The primary process too arises spontaneously. It can then bend and mold itself to some extent, but it cannot create itself!