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Об Эми и Арни Минделл, Введение в процессуальную работу (about Amy and Arny and Introduction to Process Work (PDF document)

 2004 Moscow seminar flyer: “Magic Path Between Worlds” (Word document)

Process Work Applications (Word document)

Process Work Glossary, translated by Alexander Kiselev (Word document)

 721 Feedback, translated by Alexander Kiselev (PDF document)

Process Work and the Art of Animation translated by Larrissa Romanenko (Word document)

Letter to C.G. Jung, translated by Kirill Semenov 

The Evolution and Three Branches of Process Theory translated by Kirill Semenov

Translations by Kiril Melamud:

Amy’s animated Worldwork Video series: To see Russian translations of Amy’s animated Worldwork series at film, click on the “CC” button at the bottom of the screen, then click on the “settings” icon which looks like a wheel or gears, and then choose “subtitles” and “Russian”. Thanks to Kiril Melamud for the Russian translations/subtitles.

Новое направление в юнгианской психологии: у юнгианской психологии появилась дочка (by Arnold Mindell, New Developments in Jungian Psychology: Jungian Psychology has a Daughter)

Жизнь – только сон, Интервью с Арнольдом Минделлом (Life is But a Dream: An Interview with Arnold Mindell)

Арнольд Минделл: писатель, учитель, психолог, сновидец: портрет (фильм целиком) (Arnold Mindell: writer, teacher, psychologist, dreamer: a portrait - full film)

ЭВОЛЮЦИЯ И ТРИ ВЕТВИ ПРОЦЕССУАЛЬНОЙ ТЕОРИИ (3-я редакция) (by Amy Mindell, The Evolution and 3 Branches of Process Theory, 3rd ed.)